Media Appearances
Explore podcasts, articles and videos featuring Scott Blossom
The Language of Healing
In this episode, Alejandra and Scott explore the integral role of conscious communication in well-being and collective healing. They discuss how language and self-talk affect physical health through emotional patterns and belief systems, and delve into Ayurvedic principles, particularly the doshas—vata, kapha, and pitta—highlighting how these impact communication styles and emotional tendencies.
The Microbiome, Pregnancy, and Dynamic Health
Stacey and Scott explore what the microbiome is and how it works focusing on the special considerations during pregnancy and the implications for maternal and fetal outcomes.
Ayurvedic Healing and Beyond
Dr. Vignesh Devraj, a 4th generation Āyurvedic healer and Medical Doctor, discusses with Scott the intersection of Prana and the microbiome, and the importance of probiotics.
Prana Bhakti and the Yoga of Right Relationships
In this episode, we discuss Prana, the microbiome, and ancestral healing, as well as honoring the traditions that lit the spark in us.
Hold Dark and Light
New York Times bestselling author Katie Silcox joins Scott to go deep and wide into how we can hold both our anger/fear/grief as well as great love and transformation at this time.
The Neuroscience of Your Behavior
Scott explores the importance of brain health, and challenges us to ask a question of our heart every morning: “What is going to serve me and connect me with my heart’s desire?”
Snack Time
Scott discusses nutrition and general lifestyle choices to promote sustainable energy. The conversation covers everything from Spirulina to Coke, and a small dive into the effect of technology on our nervous system.
Balancing Ancient Wisdom + Modern Living
The episode dives into practical strategies for managing stress, sheds light on the often-overlooked subject of emotional balance and masculinity, and underscores the importance of mentorship in personal and professional growth.
Intro to Ayurveda:
Understanding the Three Doshas
Āyurveda, which translates as “knowledge of life,” dates back 5,000 years to the ancient Sanskrit texts, the Vedas. It’s a system of healing that examines physical constitution, emotional nature, and spiritual outlook in the context of the universe.
Sthira and Sukha: Steadiness and Ease, with Dr. Robert Svoboda
Rhythm is essential to life, moment by moment. The earth circles the sun in a stately rhythm. The tides rise and fall, and the cells of all living beings resonate with the tempo set by nature. The lungs and the heart work rhythmically, the intestines produce peristaltic waves, and the brain generates brain waves, all of which are intricately interrelated with one another and with the external environment.
Daily Deep Relaxation
Join Scott as we marry ancient knowledge with modern science, creating a quick and easy practice of daily relaxation that can fit into your busy day and support your mind, memory, and mood.
Balance Vata & Manage Stress with Oxytocin
Scott discusses the power of rhythm in regulating vāta doṣha and supporting the wellbeing of the nervous system. Learn how to balance, ground, and center yourself from an Āyurvedic and biological perspective.
Movement: Why it's More Important than Exercise
Scott explores the value of diverse movement and how it leads to health and freedom in the body. You’ll learn about the profound benefits of diverse movement for your brain, gut, immune system, and more.