Ayurveda Resources
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, which translates as “knowledge of life,” is a system of holistic health that was developed in India more than 5000 years ago. It is the oldest system of recorded medicine. When we break down the word “Ayurveda” into two parts, we get the words “Ayur” which means “life”, and “Veda” which means knowledge. However, this is a very simplified translation of the word “Ayurveda.”
Ayurveda is both a science and an art form. It recognizes that there are principles in life that can be systematically investigated, tested, and practically applied for enhancing health and longevity. Ayurveda also recognizes the importance of finding a satisfying way to express your unique talents and personality.
The Ayurvedic system examines a person’s physical constitution, emotional nature, and spiritual outlook in the context of the living a healthy and satisfying life. According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, universal life force manifests as three different energies, or doshas, known as vata, pitta, and kapha.
We’re all made up of a unique combination of these three forces. Though everyone has some of each, most people tend to have an abundance of one or two of the doshas. This unique combination is determined at the moment of conception, and is your own personal blueprint, or prakriti (your nature). To discover your Prakriti – take our Dosha Test.
As you move through life, the proportion of each of the three doshas constantly fluctuates according to your environment, your diet, the seasons, the climate, your age, and many other factors. As they move into and out of balance, the doshas can affect your health, energy level, and general mood.
Ayurvedic treatment is carefully tailored to the individual. By examining a person’s constitution, current symptoms, diet and lifestyle, the physician designs a treatment to relieve symptoms as well as to develop and maintain optimal health. Ayurvedic medicine excels at treating chronic illness and imbalances.
The Doshas
The principle of kinetic energy in the body. It mainly influences the nervous system and controls all body movement. Elementally, this dosha relates to the way air and space interact in the body/mind.
Controls the body’s balance of kinetic and potential energy. It influences all processes of digestion and transformation through its activity in the metabolic and endocrine systems. Elementally, this dosha relates to how
fire acts in the body mind.
The principle of potential energy and controls lubrication and stability. It mainly pertains to the tissues and wastes (which Vata ‘moves’ around). Elementally, this dosha relates to the way water and earth interact in the body/mind.
Dual Dosha & Tri Dosha
Individuals whose constitutions reflect the influence of only one doshas are lucky in the sense that once they know themselves they know how they will react to specific stimuli. Having a Tri-doshic Prakriti means that all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) are strong forces in your constitution.